It is a brand with the collection of 100% silk scarves designed by the artist Filippos Georgios Tsintavis.

How to wear a FGTONSILK scarf?

We suggest that you begin by firstly place your scarf on a smooth, clean surface, and then begin to fold it according to what colors and patterns you want to be visible to complete your outfit. Spend just a few minutes and experiment!

Who would wear a FGTONSILK scarf?

Our scarves are unique and timeless pieces, not dependent on fashion trends. They have designs that support and enhance the style of many women and men of any age. Be daring!

What makes the quality so special?

The Greek silk of Soufli is produced in specialized units and by staff that have the know-how dating back centuries. Our silk is so soft to the skin while it keeps the qualities of a textile and can awake our senses. It will become a staple in your wardrobe!

Where are our products produced?

Our scarves are made 100% in Greece in all stages of their production. The silkworm cultivation, as well as the weaving, printing and sewing takes place in factories in Northern Greece.

How to clean my FGTONSILK scarf?

Store your FGTONSILK scarf flat and untied, avoid contact with water and chemicals. Entrust it to a cleaning professional (dry clean only/do not use petroleum solvents).

Why should I gift an FGTONSILK scarf?

Our silk scarves are a luxury product due to their quality, the unique design, the creative approach, and their simple elegance, making them an excellent gift. With it you will please even your most demanding loved ones and friends.

Where do you ship?

We ship in every country around the globe. For more information about our shipping you can take a look at our shipping webpage.

What is the shipping cost?

The shipping cost varies depending on the country. We are doing our best to provide the lowest shipping fee. We also offer free shipping for orders over a particular amount. For more information about our shipping costs you can take a look at our shipping webpage.

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